While we sleep, our body goes through various stages. The latter repeat themselves throughout the night and are essential for a good rest.
When we wake up in the morning the need to rest is little, but throughout the day, the pressure to sleep increases progressively reaching its maximum value at night. At which time we need to sleep. As soon as we fall asleep, the sleeping pressure returns to very low values once again.When we sleep little, the chance of the occurrence of micro sleeps increases. In micro sleeps we fall asleep unintentionally, during a very short period (less than 3 seconds) without being aware of it or being able to control it.
Sleep is not a uniform and equal process throughout the entire night. It develops over various cycles, which repeat themselves 4 to 6 times in a night. During the different sleeping phases our brain issues different electrical signals. By analyzing the electrical activity of our brain and other physiological parameters we are able to determine which sleeping phase the brain is in.The latter have different functions. The non-REM sleeping phase has the longest duration and arises first during the night. In turn, the REM Sleep (rapid eye movements), provides a deep rest and is essential for the recovery of physical energy, and a feeling of rest when waking up.
A good night’s sleep improves our brain in operational terms. By adding a good mattress the physical part will also be grateful.